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A Wine Gifting Service

Our wine fairy service is designed to spread the love of wine. We  place exceptional wine at the door step of the person you care the most about. 


Your order includes a surprise delivery, two bottles of wine and a custom gift message.

The Wine Fairy

Local Deliveries

Non-Local Deliveries

The Wine Fairy services Granby & Simsbury 7 days a week. Click below to schedule your local delivery.

Have a friend who lives further away and still needs a visit? Our Wine Fairy will arrange a Wine Fairy visit for non-local locations for an additional service charge. Click below!

Schedule a Visit!


Encourage a friend with two gift wrapped bottles of wine and a note of encouragement. Flat fee of $55 (includes tax, and local delivery to Simsbury or Granby) 

Thanks for your order!

Local Visit
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